
Thursday 21 February 2013

Mantis @ Mentadak

Mentadak, mentadu, cengkadak atau cengkadu ialah sejenis serangga dalam susunan Mantodea. Kebanyakannya berada dalam famili Mantidae. Sebagaimana serangga lain, mentadak mempunyai tiga segmen badan, dengan kepala, toraks, dan badan (abdomen). Mentadak betina mempunyai serkus yang besar dan kuat. Segmen pertama dari tiga, protoraks, adalah memanjang dan darinya terdapat kaki hadapan yang diubah suai.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Lantern Bug / Fulgoridae

The family Fulgoridae is a large group of hemipteran insects, especially abundant and diverse in the tropics, containing over 125 genera worldwide. They are mostly of moderate to large size, many with a superficial resemblance to Lepidoptera due to their brilliant and varied coloration. Various genera and species (especially the genera Fulgora and Pyrops) are sometimes referred to as lanternflies or lanthorn flies, though they do not emit light.
The head of some species is produced into a hollow process, resembling a snout, which is sometimes inflated and nearly as large as the body of the insect, sometimes elongated, narrow and apically upturned. It was believed, mainly on the authority of Maria Sibylla Merian, that this process, the so-called lantern, was luminous at night. Carl Linnaeus adopted the statement without question and coined a number of specific names, such as laternaria, phosphorea and candelaria to illustrate the supposed fact, and thus aided in promoting a belief which centuries of observations have failed to confirm.

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